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Theodore R. Cogswell

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The Wall Around the World

1974 2nd printing paperback as collection, good+, Stories: The Masters, The Specter General, Wolfie, Emergency Rations, The Burning, Thimgs, Test Area, Prisioner of Love, Invasion Report, The Wall Around the World.


The Third Eye

Sept 1968 1st Printing as collection, paperback, good, Stories: "Deconditioned Response" originally as "No Gun to the Victor" 1955, "Mr. Hoskin's Heel" 1954, "The Cabbage Patch" 1952, "Limiting Factor" 1954, "Disassembly Line" 1954, "A Spudget for Thwilbert" 1958, "Training Device" 1955, "Impact with the Devil" 1956, "Machine Record" 1961, "One to a Customer" 1958, "The Man Who Knew Grodnik" 1962, "Lover Boy" 1954, "The Other Cheek" 1953, "Minimum Sentence" 1953, "The Short Count" 1952, "Conventional Ending" 1954


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