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The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction

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'55 '57 '58 '59 '60 '61 '62




Fantasy and Science Fiction

June 1957, Volume 12, Number 6

Short Novel:

The Night of Light. . .Philip Jose Farmer

Short Stories:

The Little Place. . .Mark Van Doren

Rescue. . .G.C. Edmondson

Love, Inc.. . .Robert Sheckey

Moonshine. . .Ruth M. Goldsmith

The Sandmen. . .J.T. McIntosh

Dodger Fan. . .Will Stanton

Security Check. . .Arthur C. Clarke

The Cage. . .Bertram Chandler

Edited by Anthony Boucher~~~~~Cover by John Pederson(rockets over Deimos with Mars in background)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Lev.UP Lev.DN

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