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The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction

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Fantasy and Science Fiction

August 1961, Volume 21, Number 2

Short Novelet:

The Case of the Homicidal Robots. . .Murray Leinster

Short Stories:

The Kappa Nu Nexus. . .Avram Davidson and Morton Klass

Survival Planet. . .Harry Harrison

Cogi Drove his Car Through Hell. . .Vance Aandhal

Juliette. . .Claude Cheinisse

Fredinand Feghoot: XLII. . .Grendal Briarton

The Dispatch Executive. . .E. William Blau

Piggy. . .Kit Reed

A Meeting on a Northern Moor(verse). . .Leah Bodine Drake

Four Days in the Corner. . .Winona McClintoc

The Haunted Village. . .Gordon R. DIckson

Edited by Robert P. Mills~~~~~Cover by Mel Hunter

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Fantasy and Science Fiction

November 1961, Volume 21, Number 5

Short Stories:

Hybrid. . .Keith Laumer

The Other End of the Line. . .Walter Trevis

The Interplanetary Cat. . .Rick Rubin

Faq'. . .George P. Elliott

redinand Feghoot: XLV. . .Grendal Briarton

Green Sunrise. . .Doris Pitkin Buck

The Tunnel Ahead. . .Alice Glaser

Mustang. . .Randall Garrett

Cosmic Gall. . .John Updike

About Something Truly Wonderful. . .Algis Budreys

Serial: (2 of 2)

Naked to the Stars. . .Gordon R. Dickson

Edited by Robert P. Mills~~~~~Cover by Emsh for "Naked to the Stars"

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