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William Gibson

(1948 - )

"Fragments of a Hologram Rose", 1977 in Unearth Magazine was his first story published.

Books For Sale:

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Burning Chrome

paperback, good condition


Mona Lisa Overdrive

December 1989 first paperback, good condition



paperback, excellent condition


paperback, good- condition, cover bent


Count Zero

paperback, good condition


The Difference Engine

with Bruce Sterling

April 1991 First Edition Hardcover, very good


Another copy: April 1991 First Edition Hardcover, good



1996 1st Edition Hardcover, fine-new book


Other Books:

Burning Chrome-1986 collection with "Johnny Mnemonic" upon which the film of the same name was extremely loosely based.

Neuromancer-1984 Hugo Award, Nebula Award, and Philip K. Dick Award

Count Zero-1986

Mona Lisa Overdrive-1988

The Difference Engine-1990 with Bruce Sterling

Virtual Light-1993

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Copyright (c) 1996 Lee Skidmore