Lee Skidmore's SciFi Site

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Clicon to load complete picture of Space Trooper guarding cargo delivery to the SciFiArchive.com @ InStar
Clicon to load complete picture of Space Trooper guarding cargo delivery to the SciFiArchive.com @ InStar

Lee Skidmore's SciFi Site

. Future.Story.Short

A complete Future.Cop short story called: "Identity Crisis"

. Future.Map

A time line of major happenings in the event-filled futures of Earther and Spacer societies. Includes Future.Atlas.

. Future.Tech

A future weaponry catalog.

. Future.Art

Original art inspired by science fiction, technology, and science.

. Future.Novel

A growing excerpt started in 1996 that's filled with the intrigue of a solar system wide struggle for control of LIGHT+ and GodChip tech.

Storm-boarding hero; Eller Dumaurier, along with Phara Encore, OBee, the self-aware-ware software entity Govy, and the Angel named Florie of the Upper Peninsula Green are caught between the red-hot iron pincers of the Space based mega-corp clans, and the Earth controlling World TelCo.


. . . distance vast, timeless traveled. . .

Stuff you can't get anywhere else on Earth!
. . .really. . .


Zip over to other spacey places



If it's important, a big part of the battle takes place between ticks. Check out news and prices on the Lunar Exchange. If you like the dangerous curves of the fast lane try a trade or two in the pit of the Mar's Terra-Forming Exchange.

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Copyright (c) 1996 Lee Skidmore