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Laurence Manning

(1899 - 1972)

Books For Sale:

Check the end of this page for a list of LM's stories published by "Wonder Stories"

If you don't find your title listed, be sure to send your Want List!

The Man Who Awoke

Originally as serial in "Wonder Stories" 1933

Feb. 1975 1st Printing as paperback, good++, cover art by Dean Ellis


Stories by Laurence Manning published in "Wonder Stories" magazine:

(Please note: This list is made available thanks to the efforts of Laurence Manning's grandson, Jonathan Tomlinson.)

May, 1930 (with Fletcher Pratt, his neighbor) - "City of the Living Dead"

Summer, 1932 - "The Voyage of the Asteroid"

December, 1932 - "The Wreck of the Asteroid, Part I"

January, 1933 - "The Wreck of the Asteroid, Part II"

February, 1933 - "The Wreck of the Asteroid, Part III"

March, 1933 - "The Man Who Awoke, Part I"

April, 1933 - "The Man Who Awoke, Part II"

May, 1933 - "The Man Who Awoke, Part III"

June, 1933 - "The Man Who Awoke, Part IV"

August, 1933 - "The Man Who Awoke, Part V"

November, 1933 - "The Call of the Mech Men"

March, 1934 - "Caverns of Horror"

July, 1934 - "Voice of Atlantis"

September, 1934 - "The Living Galaxy"

December, 1934 - "The Moth Message"

April, 1935 - "The Prophetic Voice"

June, 1935 - "Seeds From Space"

September, 1935 - "World of the Mist"

October, 1935 - "World of the Mist"

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Copyright (c) 1996 Lee Skidmore