Lev.DN......Index.....Identity Crisis, page 3 (c)1996 Lee Skidmore.....Lev.UP

Priority One******Priority One******Priority One******Priority One******Priority One*****Priority One Wanted: Police Officer John Zane, murder suspect***Wanted: Police Officer John Zane, murder suspect

Hunger rumbles from the early night of bedercises churned into a miserable lump of gut twisting nausea. An unsteady finger opened the file. A giant of a horror story stomped across the holo display, and crushed the tiny threat of Joey Mastin.

At five thirty-four this AM, July 13, 2016 an anonymous message was posted on the citynet's bulletin board stating that a male body had been discovered. A body was found partially immersed at the Federal Free Housing District's East River access ramp. The body has been identified as that of CouncilPerson Terence Du Quesne. Consequent examination shows cause of death as trauma resulting from a single bullet wound to the head at close range. Time of death as between 3AM and 4 AM, this AM. The bullet has been recovered. Its FedChip successfully activated. It was found to have been coded to Police Detective John Zane. An arrest warrant has been issued. Officer Zane's standard duty shift started at 7 AM. As he has not logged in, he is considered at large. Address all communications to the Officer in Charge of Investigation, Detective Mallory Reed at MReed.nypol.gov.

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Lev.DN.....Index.....Identity Crisis, page 3 (c)1996 Lee Skidmore.....Lev.UP