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Astounding Science Fiction

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Astounding Science Fiction

July 1953, Volume LI, Number 5

***This issue not available for sale***


Enough Rope. . .Poul Anderson

Survival. . .Don Green

Short Story:

Solution Delayed. . .Mark Clifton and Alex Apostolides


Locum Tenens. . .Wallace West

Serial (conclusion):

Mission of Gravity. . .Hal Clement

Edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.~~~~~Cover by Miller

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Astounding Science Fiction

June 1953, Volume LI, Number 4

***This issue not available for sale***


". . . And A Star To Steer Her By". . .Lee Correy

Short Stories:

Quiz Game. . .Frank M. Robinson

Imposter. . .Philip K. Dick


In Case of Fire. . .Wallace West

Whirligig World. . .Hal Clement

Serial (three of four):

Mission of Gravity. . .Hal Clement

Edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.~~~~~ Cover by Correy

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Astounding Science Fiction

May 1953, Volume LI, Number 3

***This issue not available for sale***


Medicine Show. . .Robert Moore Williams

Short Stories:

Multifarious. . .Algis Budrys

Lady With A Past. . .Irving E. Cox, Jr.

Operating Instructions. . .Robert Sheckley


Space, Time and Education. . .John E. Arnold

Serial (two of four):

Mission of Gravity. . .Hal Clement

Edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.~~~~~ Cover by Baer

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Astounding Science Fiction

April 1953, Volume LI, Number 2

***This issue not available for sale***


Settle to One. . .Charles Dye and April Smith

The Ant and the Eye. . .Chad Oliver

Short Stories:

Allegory. . .Williams T. Powers

Family Resemblance. . .Alan E. Nourse


Nature Didn't Make It

Serial (one of four):

Mission of Gravity. . .Hal Clement

Edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.~~~~~Cover by Van Dongen

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



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